Miller encoder is designed using VHDL. The primary code of program and the result of simulation using MAX+ PLUSII software are introduced. Through designing Miller code, all process of the electronic design automatization ( EDA) is explained. 提出了用VHDL语言实现密勒编码器的设计方案,给出了主要源程序代码和MAX+PLUSII环境下的仿真结果,说明了电子设计自动化(EDA)的整个过程。
The code applied in telemetry system usually are: AMl, Manchester-II Miller and FSK etc Both the characteristics of cable and the code are key factors to determine the transmission rate. 遥测地震仪电线数字传输常采用的传输码型有:AMI、Manchester-Ⅱ、Miller、FSK等。教传电缆的特性和传输码型都是决定传输速率的重要因素。
The RFID baseband includes Tx and Rx two data path which can realize the encoding and sending of PIE code, decoding and receiving Miller code as well. 所设计的RFID数字基带包括发送和接收两条数据通路,可实现PIE码的编码及发送,以及Miller码的解码和接收。